Here we have to understand some terminology before implementing the solution in your project.
1. Before creating a default dimension with a set of dimension values in D365, you need to know the your accounting structure. For this go to
Before creating financial dimension you should know your dimension value combination sequence from accounting structure you have define for the journal.
2. create a container, which is used as a parameter for function contains dimension values in sequence of accounting structure.
3. AccountId = conPeek(_conData,1);
mainAccount = MainAccount::findByMainAccountId(AccountId);
The above lines are responsible for getting the main account buffer from accountid set on the first index of _conData which holds account id and dimension values.
4. recordvalue = DimensionHierarchy::getAccountStructure(mainAccount.RecId,Ledger::current());
The recordvalue holds the accounting structure buffer which has been define on main account you mention in _conData, which is helpful while creating default dimensions in ledger journal.
5. hierarchyCount = DimensionHierarchy::getLevelCount(recordvalue);
DimensionSet = DimensionHierarchyLevel::getDimensionHierarchyLevelNames(recordvalue);
DimensionHierarchy::getLevelCount return the total count of financial dimension used in accounting structure which has been define on main account including main account value.
DimensionHierarchyLevel::getDimensionHierarchyLevelNames returns the sequence names of financial dimension used in accounting structure which has been define on main account including main account value.
Example: HierarchyCount = 3
HierarchyName = ['Main Account', 'Business Unit', 'Department']
DimensionSet = ["1135205","Centre","ATK"]
6. DimensionAttribute::findByLocalizedName(DimensionSet[hierarchyIdx],
The dimension value set in container used to get dimension attribute buffer, which is helpful in finding dimension attribute value buffer.
Note: In some case we are responsible to also create financial dimension values through code in D365, for which dimension attribute value is not initializes/recorded. If dimension attribute value is not set for some dimension we have to set create if necessary parameter as true to create record in dimensionAttributeValue table.
Like this:
dimensionAttributeValue = DimensionAttributeValue::findByDimensionAttributeAndValue(dimensionAttribute,
Run the below code for creating financial dimension values:
dimensionAttribute = DimensionAttribute::findByName(DimensionName);
financialTag.Description = "Description";
financialTag.Value = "42051";
financialTag.FinancialTagCategory = dimensionAttribute.financialTagCategory();
Now see below code for reference.
Run the below job with your specific set of dimension values and get the default dimension(Recid) for that combination:
/// <summary>
/// The method used to create a dimension dynamic account according to the financial dimesnion accounting structure
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "_conData">container constains all group record financial dimension in accouting structure sequences</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private DimensionDynamicAccount generateLedgerDimension(container _conData)
//Finanical Dimension Attribute.
DimensionAttribute dimensionAttribute;
DimensionAttributeValue dimensionAttributeValue;
DimensionSetSegmentName DimensionSet;
DimensionStorage dimStorage;
DimensionAttributeValueContract ValueContract;
dimensionAttributeValueCombination dimensionAttributeValueCombination;
//Main Account details
MainAccount mainAccount;
//table ref recid
LedgerRecId ledgerRecId;
RefRecId recordvalue;
//index count
int hierarchyCount;
int hierarchyIdx;
//Main Account
Str AccountId;
//Account Contract.
LedgerAccountContract LedgerAccountContract = new LedgerAccountContract();
List valueContracts = new List(Types::Class);
AccountId = conPeek(_conData,1);
mainAccount = MainAccount::findByMainAccountId(AccountId);
recordvalue = DimensionHierarchy::getAccountStructure(mainAccount.RecId,Ledger::current());
hierarchyCount = DimensionHierarchy::getLevelCount(recordvalue);
DimensionSet = DimensionHierarchyLevel::getDimensionHierarchyLevelNames(recordvalue);
for(hierarchyIdx = 1;hierarchyIdx<=hierarchyCount;hierarchyIdx++)
dimensionAttribute = DimensionAttribute::findByLocalizedName(DimensionSet[hierarchyIdx],
if(hierarchyIdx <= conLen(_conData))
dimensionAttributeValue = DimensionAttributeValue::findByDimensionAttributeAndValue(dimensionAttribute,
dimensionAttributeValue = DimensionAttributeValue::findByDimensionAttributeAndValue(dimensionAttribute,
ValueContract = new DimensionAttributeValueContract();
ValueContract.parmName(dimensionAttribute.Name) ;
dimStorage = DimensionServiceProvider::buildDimensionStorageForLedgerAccount(LedgerAccountContract);
dimensionAttributeValueCombination = DimensionAttributeValueCombination::find(;
ledgerRecId = dimensionAttributeValueCombination.RecId;
return ledgerRecId;